CT Guided Biopsy is a procedure that is performed by a radiologist to obtain a small tissue sample through a needle to make a diagnosis and plan future management.
CT Guided Biopsy is a procedure that is performed by a radiologist to obtain a small tissue sample through a needle to make a diagnosis and plan future management.
Some facts about CT Guided Biopsy:
A CT scan which is a special type of x-ray linked to a computer is used in CT Guided Biopsy to find an abnormal area in the body and help guide the removal of a sample of tissue from that area.
Usually, a needle is used to remove the sample, which is then checked under a microscope for signs of disease.
A CT guided biopsy may be performed when the doctor cannot feel a lump or mass or when the abnormal area is deep inside the body.
The needle is guided into the lesion in the safest possible manner by using CT scan.
CT Guided Biopsy is a minimally invasive procedure and is an alternative to an open surgical biopsy.
Generally, CT guidance results in fewer complications, a faster recovery time, and avoidance of general anesthesia.
Preparation for a CT Guided Biopsy:
Your doctor should be notified if you are allergic to or are sensitive to any medications, latex, iodine, tape, or anesthetic agents (local and general).
Drinking and eating anything the night before the biopsy is restricted.
Your doctor should be notified of all prescription and over the counter medications and herbal or other supplements that you are taking.
A blood test prior to the biopsy may be done to determine how long it takes your blood to clot.
A sedative will be given before the procedure to help you relax.
Blood pressure medication should be taken as scheduled with a sip of water.
Other specific preparation may be requested by your doctor based on your medical condition.
Procedure for a CT Guided Biopsy:
You may receive sedation and pain medications that will keep you relaxed and comfortable.
Usually, CT guided biopsies last 45 minutes to an hour which may varies according to the location of the lesion.
A special fluid will be given you to drink which will help to show up your bowel on the CT scan.
First a scan will be done so that the radiologist can see where the biopsy needle should be put in.
You will be asked to lie either on your front or your back on the scanning table which moves the part of your body to be biopsied forwards and backwards through the centre of the scanner.
The CT scanner is not noisy.
Let the radiologist know if you have have difficulty holding your breath as you may be asked to hold your breath while the scanner takes the pictures.
The scanner will be controlled by the radiographers and the radiology assistants will be seeing and hearing you at all times through a connecting window and an intercom.
Your skin will be cleaned with antiseptic and the area in question may be covered with sterile towels.
Your skin and deeper tissues will be made to go numb by injecting them with local anaesthetic.
The biopsy needle will be guided into the abnormal tissue once the anaesthetic has taken effect
Many scans will be taken of the needle to make sure it is in the right place before the samples of tissue are taken.