Agartala Government Medical College

Common Surgeries and Surgical Procedures.

Agartala Government Medical College

Address : P.O.Kunjaban, Tripura, West Tripura, 799006
Specialities : Anaesthesiology, Bio-Chemistry,\nChest Physician\n Community, Medicine,\n Dentistry,\n Dermatology,\n ENT,\n Forensic Medicine,\n General and Laparoscopic, Surgery,\n General Medicine,\n General Surgery,\n Micro-Biology,\n Obstetrics and Gynaecology,\n Ophthalmology, Orthopaedics,\n Pathology,\n Paediatric,\n Physiology,\n Psychiatry,\n Radio-Diagnosis
Website :

Agartala Government Medical College is a recognized & well-known hospital of West Tripura, Tripura. Agartala Government Medical College is equipped with modern & advance healthcare facilities and is a popular name in the healthcare industry. They have team of best doctors & specialists who can handle complex medical cases. Agartala Government Medical College have been a pioneer in offering modern healthcare services in West Tripura, Tripura and Agartala Government Medical College have introduced cutting-edge medical technology to offer best-in-class clinical outcomes and patient experiences.

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